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SEASON 2024-2025: 102 YEARS!

The Drowsy Chaperone

directed by Paul Murphy
Kathryn Denney, Music Director  |  Caroline Hubbard, Choreographer

September 13-29, 2024


Let Nothing You Dismay

directed by Mary Fitzpatrick Hummon

December 6-15, 2024


The Humans 

directed by Joe Stallone

March 14-30, 2025


The musical "Jane Austen's Emma"

directed by Eric Roberts
Matt Putnam, Music Director  |  Jill Tokac, Choreographer

June 6-22, 2025


© 2023 AFD  |  Photos by Leslie Maiocco, Brigid Davis, Mary Babic   |  781-646-5922  |  22 Academy Street  Arlington, MA

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